Issue 29 . November 2001 
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november 2001
issue 29

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Underwriting MHz

MHz Networks draws its financial support from members — individuals, businesses, foundations.

“I’ve had people tell me they didn’t realize that Megahertz is underwrite-able and sponsor-able, and it is, completely,” says MHz Underwriting Manager Jennifer Ward. “Anybody who wants to get in front of the number-eight audience in the country, anybody who wants to be a part of this breaking music show, they can.”

A broadcast and cable station that will soon be available to regional satellite customers, MHz Networks has a potential viewership of 4.2 million. The station’s audits show that Megahertz consistently draws a half-million original viewers a week, the core of MHz’s that audience falling within the 18-40 demographic that likes music and has the money to spend on it.

“We are audited, and we know what our demographic looks like over eighteen,” says Ward. “We are sitting in the middle of the Tech Corridor and International Crowd. I know from talking to guys when they call in for contests, I know we have a lot of people under 18 that are watching. The prices are pretty darn cheap, as opposed to commercial TV.”

For more information on underwriting MHz programming, contact Jennifer Ward at 703.770.7160, e-mail jward@worldviewtv.org or visit www.MHzTV.org.

• by Jason Howell

The Rachel Leyco Band
the Assrockers

The Rachel Leyco Band are serious. The Assrockers don’t even attempt a serious moment.

Lest you think RLB are too serious to carry your party, realize that this is the band that coined the phrase, “The band that bathes together stays together.”

The power ballad “Stay” from their initial release, The Path, shows what the band is capable of. Crooning “You’re slowly fading away/Please stay,” lead singer-guitarist Rachel carries the lyrics in much the same way Frank Sinatra did his— “As if they were the last words she’d ever sing.”

Even in a talent-saturated area like the DC Metro area, RLB’s live show is stunning. Despite the adult-contemporary music sound of their five-song EP, the band’s live show is a hug of resonant rock and roll, reggae and a little ska.

Key to that resonance is RLB bassist Dale Curran, a Florida native and, no doubt, a Les Claypool disciple. Former guitarist Dale plays the bass as if he is still playing guitar, giving RLB musical texture with his slaps and plucks. Dale guides and sometimes leads the songs, and even red-blooded American males might find themselves looking away from Rachel to watch Dale work.

Oozing with equal charisma, Rachel and Dale share vocals. Getting into the groove, Dale almost climbs over and into his bass as Rachel dances, her smile a small sign that she knows you’re watching and you’ve been included. Hidden behind a drum set, Massachusetts native John O’Donnell can’t be seen, but his sound makes him a presence equal to the front people. Working with Dale’s bass lines and coordinating with Rachel’s riffs, the group plays a powerful set that’s in tune, hard-pressed and on time.

A little less subtle, a little more outlandish are DC’s Assrockers, with songs including “We Will Rock Your Ass (Till You Bleed)”, an EP titled Who’s Got My Panties?, and a lead singer who played their first show without pants. The Assrockers are only serious in their lack of taking themselves seriously. Their biographies are a work of art, their attitudes an artistic statement.

Their sound is decidedly punk, the band backing melodic lyrics such as “You’ve been sentenced to love, by lethal injection,” performing like the offspring of the Ramones, ZZ Top and Van Halen. Lead singer Bison Roghbottom leads this merry cast.

Having allegedly survived being sold into sex slavery in Eastern Europe, bassist Misty Stainz.uses her survival ability to tolerate guitarist Killer-T Roxx and his innate ability to “conjure evil.” The aptly named guitarist Riff Rokkwell came out of hiding this past May. Drummer Durt Sizemore’s claim to fame is being named after his parents’ lawn. This entire group wouldn’t be possible without the talents of Buck Longjohn, who wrote the lyrics for the band’s music.

The A’rockers are as punk as punk used to be, when alternative used to be different. The Rachel Leyco Band likewise aren’t trying to be a quality band — they just are. Each band has a clear concept of what their appeal is, who their audience is and who they’re not trying to be: anything but themselves.

>> Relevant Info:

AssWeb: www.assrockers.com

Rachel Leyco Band
web: www.rlband.com
booking: David Leehy, David@RLBand.com
phone: 804.748.0217
downloads: www.mp3.com

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