september 2001
issue 27
unlimited archives
Underwriting MHz
MHz Networks draws its financial support from members individuals, businesses, foundations.
Ive had people tell me they didnt realize that Megahertz is underwrite-able and sponsorable, and it is, completely. Anybody who wants to get in front of the #8 audience in the country, anybody who wants to be a part of this breaking music show, they can.
A broadcast and cable station that will soon be available to regional satellite customer, MHz Networks has a potential viewership of 4.2 million the #8 market in the country . The stations audits show that the core of MHzs audience falls within the 18-40 demographic that likes music and has the money to spend on it. The stations audits show Megahertz consistently drawing a half-million original viewers a week and growing.
We are audited, and we know what our demographic looks like over eighteen. We are sitting in the middle of the Tech Corridor and International Crowd. I know from talking to guys when they call in for contests, I know we have a lot of people under 18 that are watching. The prices are pretty darn cheap, as opposed to commercial TV.
capitol groove
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NoVA/DC legend Emmet Swimming played a surprise set at ebos Maverick Records signing party last month at Fairfaxs TT Reynolds. Smartbomb drummer Derrick Decker flew into town Emmet for a full set that spanned their career, including Expect Me, Hey Jesse and Dance. Singer Todd Watts played a solo set on Megahertzs season finale show along with Cactus Patch and Fidel. For MHz archives, visit For more Emmet Swimming, well... Todd, please write Unsung Hero and tell us what to do to get more Emmet.
Ultra-catchy alternative power pop, DCs Yuma House are riding a wave of popular and critical acclaim following the May release of their sophomore CD, Future Perfect (Garageband Records) . said that the band have mastered the pop genre, with a nice mix of power, quirk and noise pop. The Washington Posts Mark Jenkins wrote, At a time when many major-label bands are trying to pad one or two catchy songs into an album, Yuma House is blessed with a power-pop bounty.
Singer/guitarist Don Brasek, guitarist Danny Espinoza, bassist Eric Chang and drummer Lee Huber craft music with an ear for driving rhythms, textured guitar lines and hooky melodies and harmonies.
Following a debut disc was issued three times to meet demand, Yuma House signed with Garageband Records striking a deal to distribute their new CD. The disc CD is an extended CD-ROM including lyrics, MP3s, and a video for the first track, (Write Off) Summer.
Yuma House join the Unsung Hero Concert Series at DCs Metro Café Sunday, September 16, with Rebel Amish Radio.
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